West Palm Beach, FL Alumni
Welcome to one of the most dynamic Tennessee Alumni chapters in the country. We are eager to meet you. And if we already know you, we can’t wait to see you again.
A warm welcome extends to all esteemed alumni, cherished family, close friends, and passionate fans. We extend a heartfelt invitation to partake in all our activities. Embrace the spirit of togetherness as we root for the Vols!
Watch Parties
Join your fellow Vols for football (and sometimes basketball) watch parties at Duffy’s. Enjoy prizes, victory laps (hopefully) and fellowship.
Every game. All season long.
Duffy’s Sports Grill
Shoppes of Oakbrook
11588 US-1
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Helping Students
The most impactful and rewarding effort our chapter makes is helping students financially attend the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Our biggest fundraiser is our annual golf tournament. We also raise fund through various other activities, including The Big Orange Give.
In 2019, our chapter built up enough funds to establish an endowment, which will underwrite scholarships for local students attending UT in perpetuity. We often meet our scholarship students, and it’s so exciting to see how meaningful our support is to them.